Volunteers Needed

TBGF is ran completely by people volunteering their time and talents to helping the community and those around us. We welcome volunteers of all ages to give back to the community in which we live in. We also encourage those interested in art and gardening to come and learn from us as well.


 Garden Volunteers

Conger Street Garden

The first is at the Conger Street Garden. We need people willing to pull weeds and water vegetables throughout the spring and summer. Also harvesting the produce and delivering it to the local food pantries on Friday mornings. Anyone wishing to volunteer to help in the planting and maintenance of the garden is welcome.  


New Project: Mill Street Garden

The leaders of Hartford City have commissioned TBGF to build another public garden for the city. This will be located at the corner of Mill and Washington streets. This was where Build A Better Blackford group tore down the old store and home located on those two city lots. They want to see these lots used as green spaces for the community. In June, we will be needing volunteers to help with the massive planting of plants, trees and shrubs.  We will need people to help with the weekly maintenance of the garden throughout the rest of the summer.


Fine Arts Volunteering Opportunities

We are always looking for people to help us enrich the lives of children and adults in the fine arts. If you are an artist, photographer or crafter and would like to volunteer to help, please contact us. We are looking for volunteers to help with our Art in the Park Day and with the National Art Week activities.


To Volunteer

If you would like to volunteer with Tori's Butterfly Garden Foundation fine arts, gardening or nature projects, please email torisbutterflygarden@gmail.com with your name and phone number or call 765-717-1315 to speak with Jeff.