Helping to Feed the Hungry
TBGF strives to relieve some of theses of the needy in the community, by not only encouraging families to grow their own food, but also through distributing freshly harvested foods and seeds to those who are underprivileged. The Foundation donates to the food pantry of the Division of Children and Family Services in Blackford County throughout the summer growing season. The Conger Street Garden grows tomatoes, squash, melons, zucchini, strawberries, cucumbers, beans, and peppers in raised beds there. All of the produce from this garden is donated. With the newly acquired purchase of the lot on Conger Street, the Foundation hopes to add more produce donations to the needy in the future.
Also, TBGF has bought seeds through the America the Beautiful Fund, a national non-profit organization that started in 1965 to encourage volunteer citizen efforts and protect the natural and historic beauty of America. America the Beautiful Fund works with seed merchants to collect and distribute older seeds which may be discarded and provide them to groups and organizations to help local communities. TBGF provided at no cost over 1000 different packets of seeds into the local food bank for distribution to those seeking help. Many people were able to grow their own vegetables and then donated their extra vegetables back into the local pantry.
TBGF also donated seeds to gardeners the first year of the small community garden project. They also provided general information about planting the seeds and taking care of the plants. The seeds have helped to promote family gardening throughout the community.